Marc, Catalina and Denise at the Hotel Fenix
Catalina and Denise
Catalina, Marc, Denise and Norma
Birthday party in Tecoman
Norma and Denise
Lupita combs Denise's hair
Cave entrance
Into the cave
Gary and Grand daughter, Catalina
Lupita and Glenda
For two days we stayed in Colima at the Hotel Maria Isabel while visiting with Denise’s Grandfather and Grandmother. The Grandmother has several birds and four baby parakeets. She is a great cook and fixed a meal of enchiladas. Afterwards we played horse shoes in the park across from the Grand Parents home in Colima. We went to see her Uncle Jaime’s trained horse perform at the stables in Colima. The horse could not only do the dancing but could do a trick I had never seen before. The horse with a rider astride could kneel down and then lie on its side. After resting for a couple minutes, the horse could then stand back up with the rider still in the saddle. We went to Uncle Jaime’s Rancho about 20 minutes from Colima. He has 40 hectares of land with about 10 horses and 10 cattle.
Catalina at the Maria Isabel hotel
Baby birds
Denise's paternal Grand Parents and Denise
Carved door at Jaime's Rancho
Catalina’s aunt and Denise’s sister, Glenda is spending the Christmas holiday with her mother, Norma. Glenda, 22 lives in Colima where she is attending college. So Catalina is the star of the family with doting parents, Grandmother, Grandfather, aunts, uncles and Great Grand Parents.
Taqueria in the trees
Volcano spewing smoke
Denise dancing at the new house
I moved my rig from being parked in front of Norma’s house to in front of Casa de Schroeder. I now have electricity for the rig and the satellite dish is set up on the second floor deck with the cables snaked through the wrought iron. It seems that I will be staying here for awhile house sitting and supervising the workers after Marc and Denise return to Solana Beach, California in a couple weeks. The work on the house re-starts tomorrow.