Friday, July 21, 2006

Getting Ready - Part 4

Not much progress in the last few days. Several people showed up yesterday for a Real Estate agents open house to introduce the availability of my house on the market. My agent thinks that we may have to reduce the asking price. The Real Estate market definitely seems to be cooling off up here. I'm not in a real big hurry to sell the house. My agent says that she can handle selling the house by herself and I don't need to be here so as soon as the rig is ready for the road I could be out of here. I'm not in a real big hurry to leave Tahoe either as long as the weather is good. I just hope that the house is sold before November and it starts snowing.

I am now spending most of the day in the motor home since I have internet, TV and my laptop there. I can still log on to my other wireless network in the house if I need to. The main reason for doing this is my laptop is now current and my desktop in the house doesn't have my current correspondence. Plus I need to become more familiar with the Vaio and some of the new software it has like Microsoft Trips & Streets. I learned that Microsoft Trips & Streets can import data so I have added all my friends and family contacts from Outlook 2003. I also found a web site that has a lot of GPS information that can be imported to create pushpin sets like Wal-Marts, Public dump locations, State Parks with campgrounds, Cosco stores and lots of other information. Here is the link:

I had a phone call with Chris at Solar Wind Works who will be helping me with the installation of the new solar panels, inverter/charger, charging controller and batteries. They will come out once more before the actual installation to check some measurements and determine exactly where the inverter/charger will be mounted. Hopefully, the installation will take place next week.

One pleasant result from publishing this blog is that I heard from an old friend, Connie Kelley, which I hadn't heard from since I lived in San Francisco over 20 years ago.

1 comment:

Brenda Maas said...

I love my microsoft streets and trips and use it alot.