All the socializing that I have been doing lately is getting to me. I need to slow down a bit. The fiestas continue. I’ve had some fun times and some good meals but I am feeling the need to just hang out in my rig for awhile.
I’m getting a reputation for knowing something about computers and software so some of my new friends are calling on me to help them with problems. Luckily, the problems have been minor and have been easy fixes.
Last Sunday, I partied too much at some of the local bars and the fiesta. I spent too much money on drinks and mariachis. I missed the last bus and even the taxis and ended up hitchhiking back to my camp.
Tuesday night at the Old Posada, I was introduced to some persons from Guadalajara who are what you might describe as upper class Mexicans of European Spanish ancestry and not mestizos. They were fun and enjoyable company. One seemed a little snobbish in that he seemed to have little interest in speaking or learning any English. Of course, it is I who is in a foreign country and who should be speaking better Spanish.
I ran across this on the Web: “For example, after traveling in Mexico and Guatemala, I found that the more European one's blood is (which is evident of one's family background and/or skin complexion), the more wealth one possesses. People with less Spanish or European blood in them, this being mezitos or indigenous people, tend to be atrociously poor. Many of them work as servants for the much richer Castilians or Spaniards. Furthermore, they are often treated with extreme disrespect, solely due to the shade of their skin or family background.”
I heard that tonight is the last night of the fiestas for awhile. Tonight is supposed to be the night with the best fireworks and bands. But I’m going to miss it. Too much fun.
Gary in the Beer Saloon
Dave and John in Tom's Bar
Mariachis in The Music Box