Saturday, November 25, 2006


The Fiestas have continued all this week. I’ve heard that some nights have been a lot of fun with fireworks, bands and dancing but I haven’t been there most nights. The temperature has been cool in the evenings and I am usually too tired from socializing during the day time to continue at night.

On Thanksgiving I was invited to dinner at Judith and Abe’s house. About 20~25 people attended. It was a traditional Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings. It was as good as any I have ever been to in the States. I think that I was the lone American at the feast. There were about 8 Mexicans and the rest were Canadians and all seemed to enjoy the traditional United States holiday of Thanksgiving. The only difference was that instead of conversation about United States politics, there was talk about Canadian politics and the possible creation of Quebec as a separate country within Canada.

Concert poster

Ron at The Music Box

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